This program will address types of stress, its physiological and psychological effects, and how to evaluate patients whose health may be affected by stress. It will explore how those effects influence the physician’s treatment plan and outcomes. It will also aid the participants in recognizing the stress response in themselves and their colleagues. The Doctor of Chiropractic will learn a spectrum of possible interventions. Finally, participants will be presented with state specific options for community service to victims of disasters, and rescuers.
License Approval
State/ Org. Type Approval Code Credits
BC DC † PreApproved 2
CO DC † PreApproved 2
CT DC † PreApproved 2
DC DC † PreApproved 2
DE DC † PreApproved 2
FL DC Pending 2
IA DC † PreApproved 2
ID DC † PreApproved 2
IL DC † PreApproved 2
IN DC † PreApproved 2
KY DC Not Accepted 2
LA DC Not Accepted 2
MA DC † PreApproved 2
MB DC † PreApproved 2
MD DC † PreApproved 2
MI DC † Preapproved 2
MN DC Approved 2
MS DC Not Accepted 2
MT DC † PreApproved 2
NB DC † PreApproved 2
NC DC † PreApproved 2
ND DC † PreApproved 2
NE DC † PreApproved 2
NH DC † PreApproved 2
NJ DC † PreApproved 2
NY DC Approved 2
OH DC † PreApproved 2
ON DC † PreApproved 2
OR DC † PreApproved 2
PA DC Approved 2
PR DC † PreApproved 2
QC DC † PreApproved 2
RI DC † PreApproved 2
SC DC † PreApproved 2
SK DC † PreApproved 2
UT DC † PreApproved 2
VA DC † PreApproved 2
VT DC † PreApproved 2
WA DC † PreApproved 2
WI DC Not Accepted 2
WY DC † PreApproved 2
† This seminar is valid for CE credits in "pre-approved" states, so long as it falls within the scope of practice as outlined by the corresponding state board. It remains attendees' responsibility to contact the state board(s) from which they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approves both the delivery method and content as they relate to this event.