This course will give the attendee an understanding of how to safely and appropriately deliver chiropractic care to the pregnant patient including a discussion of different techniques, modifications to techniques and contraindications to care. We will review the biomechanical changes that occur during pregnancy along with common musculoskeletal complaints that can arise as a result. Lastly, we will discuss how chiropractic can impact the baby’s position in-utero with an overview of techniques and methods that address this concern.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the attendee will have learned:
1. Safe delivery methods of chiropractic care to the pregnant patient including modifications that must be made to improve safety and contraindications to chiropractic care.
2. Biomechanical and postural changes that occur during pregnancy with potential common musculoskeletal complaints that can result.
3. An understanding of intrauterine constraint and how chiropractic care can impact the baby’s in-utero position, including an overview of methods shown to be effective in addressing intrauterine constraint.