San Juan, PR
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Speaker provided by Standard Process

This course is designed to help health care providers develop understanding and treatment objectives for utilizing whole food nutrition to influence proper blood sugar metabolism and balance.

This course will take the provider on a journey to deeper understanding regarding whole food nutrition and ways to utilize it based upon the current literature to influence the pathways that metabolism and blood sugar. Learn strategies that you can implement into your practice immediately to become better adapted to provide assistance to your patients. Common areas of concern and potential roadblocks with their patients will be discussed. Once complete the provider will have excellent basic knowledge regarding utilizing whole food nutrition and supplementation in their practice as well as other areas to further study if interested.
License Approval
State/ Org. Type Approval Code Credits
BC DC † PreApproved 4
BCNS (CNS) CNS Approved 4
CBCN DCBCN Approved 4
CO DC † PreApproved 4
CT DC † PreApproved 4
DC DC † PreApproved 4
DE DC † PreApproved 4
FL DC Pending 4
GA DC † Preapproved 4
IA DC † PreApproved 4
ID DC † PreApproved 4
IL DC † PreApproved 4
IN DC † PreApproved 4
KS DC Pending 4
KY DC Pending 4
MA DC † PreApproved 4
MB DC † PreApproved 4
MD DC † PreApproved 4
MI DC † Preapproved 4
MN DC Pending 4
MO DC Approved 4
MS DC Approved 4
MT DC † PreApproved 4
NB DC † PreApproved 4
NC DC † PreApproved 4
ND DC † PreApproved 4
NE DC † PreApproved 4
NH DC † PreApproved 4
NJ DC † PreApproved 4
NM DC Pending 4
NY DC Pending 4
OH DC † PreApproved 4
ON DC † PreApproved 4
OR DC † PreApproved 4
PA DC Pending 4
PR DC † PreApproved 4
QC DC † PreApproved 4
RI DC † PreApproved 4
SC DC † PreApproved 4
SD DC Approved 4
SK DC † PreApproved 4
TX DC Pending 4
UT DC † PreApproved 4
VA DC † PreApproved 4
VT DC † PreApproved 4
WA DC † PreApproved 4
WI DC Pending 4
WY DC † PreApproved 4
† This seminar is valid for CE credits in "pre-approved" states, so long as it falls within the scope of practice as outlined by the corresponding state board. It remains attendees' responsibility to contact the state board(s) from which they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approves both the delivery method and content as they relate to this event.