12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Speaker provided by Aspen Laser

This program will explain the nuts and bolts of LASER Therapy. Laser Therapy is an amazing therapeutic tool that can be highly effective if used properly, with correct parameters for the condition being treated. Too many times clinicians do not get the results expected because the wavelength or dosage provided is not adequate for the lesion or condition. This course is not about the brand but all the variables to consider when utilizing a laser device. This is based on truth and science only, not on any proprietary marketing tactics. This course will hopefully result in the patient and doctor getting better results Monday morning in the practice.
License Approval
State/ Org. Type Approval Code Credits
BC DC † PreApproved 2
CO DC † PreApproved 2
CT DC † PreApproved 2
DC DC † PreApproved 2
DE DC † PreApproved 2
FL DC Approved 2
IA DC † PreApproved 2
ID DC † PreApproved 2
IL DC † PreApproved 2
IN DC † PreApproved 2
KY DC Not Accepted 2
LA DC Not Accepted 2
MA DC † PreApproved 2
MB DC † PreApproved 2
MD DC † PreApproved 2
MI DC † Preapproved 2
MS DC Not Accepted 2
MT DC † PreApproved 2
NB DC † PreApproved 2
NC DC † PreApproved 2
ND DC † PreApproved 2
NE DC † PreApproved 2
NH DC † PreApproved 2
NJ DC † PreApproved 2
NY DC Approved 2
OH DC † PreApproved 2
ON DC † PreApproved 2
OR DC † PreApproved 2
PR DC † PreApproved 2
QC DC † PreApproved 2
RI DC † PreApproved 2
SC DC † PreApproved 2
SK DC † PreApproved 2
UT DC † PreApproved 2
VA DC † PreApproved 2
VT DC † PreApproved 2
WA DC † PreApproved 2
WY DC † PreApproved 2
† This seminar is valid for CE credits in "pre-approved" states, so long as it falls within the scope of practice as outlined by the corresponding state board. It remains attendees' responsibility to contact the state board(s) from which they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approves both the delivery method and content as they relate to this event.